The wonderful two-headed nightingale : "the eighth wonder of the world" / St. James's Great Hall. Image from public domain licenseThe wonderful two-headed nightingale : "the eighth wonder of the world" / Horns Assembly Rooms, Kennington. Image from public domain licenseThe wonderful two-headed nightingale : the eighth wonder of the world / Sanger's Royal Amphitheatre. Image from public domain licenseFirst tour in Great Britain : during the fair, £1,000 challenge to the world! to produce the equal of Lallo [sic], the… Image from public domain licenseFirst tour in Great Britain : during the fair, £1,000 challenge to the world! to produce the equal of Lallo [sic], the… Image from public domain licenseMr. Smith's exhibition : to be seen twihin, the Norfolk Giant 17 years of age, 7 feet 2 inches high, and weighs 20 stone… Image from public domain licenseFor a short time only, commencing Monday, July 17th : the wonderful Two-Headed Nightingale Company ... also Miss Anna Swan… Image from public domain licenseWonderful phenomena of nature : a female child, (a twin,) 11 years of age, 4 feet 2 inches in height, and weighs one hundred… Image from public domain licenseLast week of the extraordinary and wonderful Albino Family : white negroes, or moors, from Madagascar, consisting of a… Image from public domain license[Leaflet advertising appearances by "Two children united from the umbilical chord to the top of the breast bone", born… Image from public domain licenseImportant notice : Elliss's exhibition of living wonders, will exhibit here for a short time only : consisting of the Great… Image from public domain licenseWonderful phenomena of nature : a female child, (a twin,) 11 years of age, 4 feet 2 inches in height, and weighs one hundred… Image from public domain licenseWonderful museum : an extraordinary child born in France in 1683. Image from public domain licenseAdvertisement : To all gentlemen and ladies . There are newly arriv'd two monstrous girls, being one of the greatest wonders… Image from public domain licenseTombeau de la chrétienne. Vue du côté nord. (Tomb of the Christian Woman. View of the North Side.) by John Beasley Greene Image from public domain license